The Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal


The CSFS publishes The Journal, a general forensic science journal, showcasing articles from top international forensic experts. The journal is offered online, on a quarterly basis (publication dates are March, June, September, and December). CSFS members have access to the journal through our website, with the cost of the subscription included in their membership fees. The publisher, Taylor and Francis, can also provide a hard copy version of the journal, in two installments, to members who are willing to pay a slight premium, currently $20 per year.

Any articles of a forensic science nature are suitable for consideration for publication in the CSFS Journal. The journal publishes articles in either Canadian official language, with the abstracts for all papers appearing in both English and French. Submissions from outside of Canada are also welcome – of the 75 papers published since 2010, a total of 13 other countries are represented by the authors of those papers.

To submit an article, please refer to Instructions to Authors.