CSFS 2022 Poster Competition Results

On Wednesday September 21st, the CSFS hosted its second digital poster competition over Twitter! The CSFS Board of Directors and the Conference Organizing Committee would like to thank our panel of judges for their time and efforts, and thank all the #CSFSPoster2022 participants for sharing their research with the community. We look forward to hosting…

Indigenous People and Forensic Science

Dear CSFS membership, We have had a request to assist in bridging community between indigenous peoples and forensic science. If we have any indigenous (First Nations, Metis or Inuit) forensic scientists/experts who are interested in helping out, please reply back to the following contact info: Kona WilliamsMD, FRCPC (AP/FP)Forensic Pathologist and CoronerDirector, Northeastern Regional Forensic…

Official response to Indian Residential School Burials

Warning: Some of the following content may stir up or trigger unwanted or unpleasant feelings. We would like to begin by acknowledging the Indigenous Peoples of all the lands that we are on today. We would like to take a moment to acknowledge the importance of the lands, which we each call home. We do…

CSFS – New phone number

The CSFS has changed it’s phone number to 1-613-762-9237.  If we miss your call, please leave your name, phone number and a brief message and we will contact you as soon as possible.

CSFS now on Twitter and Instagram

The Canadian Society of Forensic Science is now on Twitter and Instagram. Lots of exciting things to come in 2020. Follow us for all the latest news and updates.