June 21st to 24th, 2021
Prof. Shari Forbes - Bodies of Knowledge: The Importance of Human Decomposition Facilities
Dr. Bruce Budowle - Advances in Forensic DNA Technologies
Jonathan W. Hak, Q.C - The Pedagogical Expert Witness: Teaching Complex Science in the Courtroom
Prof. Christophe Champod - The ENFSI Guideline for Evaluative Reporting: Origin, Current Status and Implementation
Annual General Meeting
The AGM is scheduled for Thursday June 24th @ 2:45 pm. The agenda, meeting materials and zoom details can be found at the link below and will be also distributed in a separate email. Please join us to learn more about:
- Standing & Special committees and their work over the past year
- Event re-caps and new opportunities for 2021-2022
- Award winners!
Events to resume in September 2021
Thank you for supporting our event initiatives over the last several months. We were pleased to have provided 3 webinars and a workshop to you, our members. With the conference only weeks away, we will be taking a pause on running extra events from June-August. We will be busy planning our 2021-2022 presentation line-up, so if you are interested in participating, let us know!
Did You Miss It?
The 'Catching a Killer' workshop was held on May 26th. Thank you to the ~125 participants and to our speaker, Dr. Nigel Hearns. The presentation was recorded and will be made available to all those that registered.
"Thanks for the presentation. Very interesting. Good job."
"Thank you for sharing this case. Amazing job!"
"Wow! Thank you - very insightful"
Get Involved!
We are looking for engaged volunteers for the following positions:
- Section Chair - Anthropology, Medical and Odontology
- Section Chair - Engineering
- Section Chair - Firearms
- Committee Member - Awards
Research Highlights
- Drip stains formed on ice and snow: an observational study - Jesse Plante, Amanda Orr, Irv Albrecht, Leslie Wyard, Phillip Boyd & Theresa Stotesbury
- Effects of vaping E-juices with and without alcohol on the accuracy of the Alco-Sensor FST® approved screening device - Amy Eng Minh
- The occurrence and genesis of transfer traces in forensic science: a structured knowledge database/ L’occurrence et la genèse des traces de transfert en criminalistique: une base de connaissances structurée - Liv Cadola, Marina Charest, Catherine Lavallée & Frank Crispino
Board of Directors
Kimberly Nugent (President), Benny Wong (Past-President), Pamela Dixon (President-Elect), Louise Cloutier (Treasurer), Valerie Blackmore, Maria Fiorillo, Nelson Lafrenière (Secretary), Diana Polley, Kimberly Kenny, Tanya Peckmann, Diane Séguin, Henry Wong