New Look!
We are testing a new platform to bring you regular communications. While this is a work in progress, the plan is to distribute the CSFS newsletter, on a regular basis, to your inbox. We welcome submissions, as well as your feedback and suggestions on content you would like to learn about. Future issues will feature the following content:
- Member Spotlights
- Research Highlights
- Laboratory Highlights
- Committee Updates
- Section News
- Social Announcements
To submit content please email csfs@bellnet.ca
Get Involved!
We are looking for engaged volunteers for the following positions:
- Section Chair - Engineering
- Section Chair - Firearms
- Members for the 'Informatics and Education Committee'
- French Translator
- Social Media Coordinator
Membership Fees
Please visit your CSFS account to make your on-line payment for 2021. A late fee is charged if not paid by February 15, 2021. Please note that we have updated our payment gateway to our banking partner, TD Canada Trust.
CSFS is pleased to offer webinars in 2021. Check the website for future topics.
Webinar – Cannabinoid Oral Fluid Testing
February 10 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Just sign in with the link below.
Save The Date
- March 25th Webinar – Bloodstain Pattern Analysis in Quebec 2:00pm to 3:30pm EST
- April 26th Workshop – Law School for a Day 9:30-4:30pm EST (breaks included)
- May – 2nd Virtual Poster Competition #CSFSPoster2021
Committee Update
Constitution Committee, Pamela Dixon (Chair)
The committee continues to meet every few months to review the By-Laws and Policy manual. The new By-Laws draft document will be brought to the Board of Directors in the new year, and to the general membership meeting in May.
Digital Archive
We are creating a digital archive of all CSFS material. If you have relevant photos and/or content that you would like to share please get in touch with us.
Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal (vol. 53; Issue 3)
- First observation of burnt vertebrate carrion scavenging by black-billed magpies (Pica hudsonia (Sabine)) highlights the need to evaluate all possible scavengers at a site. Trevor Stamper, Lauren Pharr, Gail S. Anderson, Carleen Gondor, Alex Dedmon & Robert Kimsey
- Le transfert différentiel des fibres de coton et de polyester lors d’agressions au couteau. Lilian Skokan, Catherine Daigle, André Tremblay & Cyril Muehlethaler
- Examining growth rates of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis on decomposing porcine remains. Allana Braga, Wade Knaap & Richard Summerbell
Board of Directors
Kimberly Nugent (President), Benny Wong (Past-President), Pamela Dixon (President-Elect), Louise Cloutier (Treasurer), Valerie Blackmore, Maria Fiorillo, Nelson Lafreniere (Secretary), Diana Polley, Kimberly Kenny, Tanya Peckmann, Diane Seguin, Henry Wong